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Re^3: (collect for output)の・・・


1)save docRef in file (myFolder & mydocname)の行を削除
2)set theFilepath to file path of docRefを
→set theFilepath to myFolderに
3)tell application "Finder" to set myillfilecontainer to container of theFilepathを
→tell application "Finder" to set myillfilecontainer to alias theFilepathに

[16202] -- (2013/11/27 Wed 13:34)


  1. [16189] (collect for output)の改造方法・・・ Mr.A 2013/11/21 15:17
    1. [16191] Re: (collect for output) 流星光輝 2013/11/21 15:26
      1. [16198] Re^2: (collect for output) Mr.A 2013/11/25 21:09
    2. [16199] Re: (collect for output)の改造方法・ -- 2013/11/26 13:04
      1. [16200] Re^2: (collect for output)の・・・ Mr.A 2013/11/26 19:14
        1. [16202] Re^3: (collect for output)の・・・ -- 2013/11/27 13:34
          1. [16203] Re^4: (collect for output)の・・・ Mr.A 2013/11/27 17:16