イベントログを見ていても set visible〜とかの部分で止まります。
OS10.4.11 CS1
tell application "Illustrator CS"
--set evdoc to count document
--repeat with i from 1 to evdoc
tell document 1
with timeout of (1 * 60 * 30) seconds
set visible of every layer to true
set locked of every layer to false
set locked of every page item to false
set evTxt to every text frame
repeat with txtObj in evTxt
set fontName to "KozGoPro-Regular"
changeFont(txtObj, fontName) of me
end repeat
close saving yes
end timeout
end tell
--end repeat
end tell
on changeFont(txtObj, fontName)
tell application "Illustrator CS"
set properties of every paragraph of txtObj to {text font:text font fontName}
end tell
end changeFont
[15871] AM66 (2013/08/09 Fri 10:31)