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Re^2: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない



tell document 1 of application "Adobe Illustrator"
copy properties of text of text frame 1 to {contents:ai01, justification:ai02, leading:ai03, size:ai04}
copy properties of text font of character 1 of text frame 1 to {family:ai05, style:ai06}
set {ai01, ai03, ai04, ai05, ai06} to {ai01 as Unicode text, ((ai03 as real) & "pt") as Unicode text, ((ai04 as real) & "pt") as Unicode text, ai05 as Unicode text, ai06 as Unicode text}
end tell

tell document 1 of application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
tell (make text frame with properties {geometric bounds:{"0 mm", "130 mm", "15 mm", "240 mm"}, stroke color:swatch "None", fill color:swatch "None"})
set contents to ai01
if ai02 is «constant ****e122» then
set ai07 to center align
else if ai02 is «constant ****e121» then
set ai07 to left align
else if ai02 is «constant ****e123» then
set ai07 to right align
else if ai02 is «constant ****e125» then
set ai07 to left justified
end if
set properties of parent story to {applied font:ai05, point size:ai04, leading:ai03, justification:ai07}
set vertical justification of text frame preferences to center align ---縦方向のそろえ
properties of parent story
fit given frame to content ---フレームをフィットする
end tell ---抜き出した情報を設定していくおわり
end tell

[15736] 小泉 (2013/06/20 Thu 12:54) web

  1. [15723] AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない やっすん 2013/06/19 14:33
    1. [15724] Re: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない やっすん 2013/06/19 14:34
      1. [15733] Re^2: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない 小泉 2013/06/19 23:42
    2. [15725] Re: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない AM66 2013/06/19 18:06
      1. [15729] Re^2: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない やっすん 2013/06/19 19:02
      2. [15730] Re^2: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない (z-) 2013/06/19 19:07
        1. [15732] Re^3: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない 流星光輝 2013/06/19 21:39
    3. [15735] Re: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない やっすん 2013/06/20 09:37
      1. [15736] Re^2: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない 小泉 2013/06/20 12:54