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Re^2: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない



tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
end tell--AI閉じる
end tell--ID閉じる


tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
end tell--AI閉じる
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
end tell--ID閉じる

のようにアプリケーションごとにend tellを入れた方が良いですよ。

tell document 1 of application "Adobe Illustrator"
copy properties of text of text frame 1 to {contents:ai01, justification:ai02, leading:ai03, size:ai04}
copy properties of text font of character 1 of text frame 1 to {family:ai05, style:ai06}
set {ai01, ai03, ai04, ai05, ai06} to {ai01 as Unicode text, ((ai03 as real) & "pt") as Unicode text, ((ai04 as real) & "pt") as Unicode text, ai05 as Unicode text, ai06 as Unicode text}
log ai02
if ai02 is center then
set ai02 to "1"
else if ai02 is left then
set ai02 to "2"
else if ai02 is right then
set ai02 to "3"
end if
end tell

tell document 1 of application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
tell (make text frame with properties {geometric bounds:{"0 mm", "130 mm", "15 mm", "240 mm"}, stroke color:swatch "None", fill color:swatch "None"})
set contents to ai01
if ai02 is "1" then
set ai07 to center justified
else if ai02 is "2" then
set ai07 to left justified
else if ai02 is "3" then
set ai07 to right justified
end if

set properties of parent story to {applied font:ai05, point size:ai04, leading:ai03, justification:ai07}
set vertical justification of text frame preferences to center align ---縦方向のそろえ
properties of parent story
fit given frame to content ---フレームをフィットする
end tell ---抜き出した情報を設定していくおわり
end tell

[15733] 小泉 (2013/06/19 Wed 23:42) web


  1. [15723] AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない やっすん 2013/06/19 14:33
    1. [15724] Re: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない やっすん 2013/06/19 14:34
      1. [15733] Re^2: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない 小泉 2013/06/19 23:42
    2. [15725] Re: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない AM66 2013/06/19 18:06
      1. [15729] Re^2: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない やっすん 2013/06/19 19:02
      2. [15730] Re^2: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない (z-) 2013/06/19 19:07
        1. [15732] Re^3: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない 流星光輝 2013/06/19 21:39
    3. [15735] Re: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない やっすん 2013/06/20 09:37
      1. [15736] Re^2: AS:InDesignに文字揃えが反映できない 小泉 2013/06/20 12:54